Kariong Brook Falls: A Complete Guide

Kariong Brook Falls

Kariong Brook Falls is a lovely waterfall in Brisbane Water National Park on the Central Coast.  

The waterfall is impressive after rain. Surrounded by rock ledges and lush vegetation, it feels like a sanctuary away from everything. The beautiful swimming hole at the bottom of the fall makes it even more inviting.

You can walk to the waterfall along a walking trail through the quiet wilderness. Enjoy the serenity – all you can hear is the sound of the wind and the birds chirping.

Kariong Brook Falls is a great spot to have a picnic and chill out – there’s ample space on the rock platforms.

This guide will show you the highlights of the walk and how to get there.


Distance: 4.6 kilometres return

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Difficulty: Medium

Visitor Information

The walk starts on the western side of Woy Woy Road, about 5 kilometres south of Kariong and 7 kilometres north of Woy Woy.

There’s a small parking area, which can fill up quickly during the weekends. Check directions on Google Maps

If the car park is full, park at Staples Lookout 350 metres north.

Kariong Brook Falls

There are no facilities nearby so bring food and water. The nearest public toilets are at Correa Bay Reserve on Woy Woy Road.

You can also walk to Kariong Brook Falls from Wondabyne Station (3.8 km) or Girrakool Picnic Area (9 km). Another option is to continue walking to Wondabyne Station from Kariong Brook Falls instead of retracing your steps. You’ll need two cars for that.

Section 1: Tommos Look Trail

The first section of the walk occurs on the Tommos Loop trail, a wide trail with a few gentle slopes.

The large trail lets the sun rays infiltrate the path. It warms you up in winter, but it gets hot in summer – you can look forward to swimming in the cold pool at the end of your walk.

Kariong Brook Falls

Tommos Loop trail is connected to a large network of trails and tracks that lead to many places, including Mount Wondabyne, Patonga and the Great North Walk.

It’s also a popular mountain biking trail.

To get to Kariong Brook Falls, walk along Tommos Loop trail for about 2 kilometres, then turn right into the track at the junction indicated ‘Girrakool’.

Section 2: Girrakool Track

The walk along this narrow track is prettier than on the Tommos Loop trail, and it’s also a little harder but so worth it.

You’ll wind down - then climb back up - for 300 metres over the sandy track and rocks. The path becomes steep in parts, and you’ll walk past a small campsite, rock walls and grass trees. 

Kariong Brook Falls

Near the end of the walk, as you scramble down the path, you’ll see the waterfall from higher up on the escarpment. 

Kariong Brook Falls

Kariong Brook Falls looks like an enchanted world, surrounded by rock ledges and plunging into a large, deep rock pool.

It's very lush and secluded.

It's a great spot for a picnic. You'll find some space on the rock ledges beside the pool. 

You can swim in the pool if you don't mind the cold. The water is certainly refreshing. 

Enjoy the tranquillity. 

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